Helen Macpherson Smith Trust

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Our Vision

Helen Macpherson Smith Trust is an independent philanthropic trust established by Helen Macpherson Schutt (née Smith) in 1951. $113 million has been approved in grants since HMSTrust was established to a wide range of Victorian charitable institutions and a diverse range of projects benefiting Victorians every year.

A strong, just and sustainable Victoria.

Help build fair, creative and resilient Victorian communities through initiatives that promote positive change.

Respect. Integrity. Stewardship. Collaboration. Accountability.

Strategic Aims
Building. Enabling. Leading.

Helen’s vision continues to guide HMSTrust today.  She was a life-long donor and supporter of organisations in Victoria including community service charities, children’s causes and medical institutions, and in her Will requested her Trustees consider ongoing support for “…such charitable institutions in the State of Victoria…”. HMSTrust will honour the wishes of our benefactor in perpetuity. Our Trustees will also ensure the grants program remains relevant and effective in a rapidly changing world.  The grants program is designed to meet current community needs and expectations, and also maximise the major social impacts and long-term benefits that can be delivered through strategic philanthropy.