The Year in Review

In this year of reflection and transition we honoured 70 years of the Trust, and explored a new strategic direction, building on decades of history and long-standing relationships.

In the development of the new strategy, we considered how we could best support Victoria and Victorians in the context of the ongoing challenges presented by COVID-19 and successive natural disasters, on top of the persistent barriers of disadvantage experienced by many members of our community.

Our relationships with our grant partners, fostered over decades, proved invaluable in informing the strategy’s development. Acknowledging that the Trust cannot achieve system change alone, the new strategy prioritises deeper, longer-term partnerships with both our grantees and our fellow funders.

Over time, the Trust aims to create greater impact for and with Victorian communities.

In this transition year, our open application grants rounds were wound down, heralding the shift to proactive partnerships with fewer organisations. Over the year, the Trust committed 24 grants totalling $4.2 million.

In honour of 70 years of the Trust, a commitment of $1.4 million across three organisations supported women’s writing and education in Melbourne’s west. Through our general granting program, grants were made across the arts, environment, health, education and community, and contributions made to the beneficiaries named in Helen’s Will.

The Year in Review

Participants at the Buckrabanyule workshop run by Bush Heritage Australia as part of the Wurreka Galkangu project. Photo: Eliza Herbert