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Kaiela Arts Shepparton

  • Project: Dunguladja – Strong Foundations
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Year(s) Funded: 2016

From little things, big things grow: uncovering potential and creating opportunities with strategic planning

A $30,000 grant from HMSTrust to develop a ten year strategic plan and marketing audit led to Kaiela Arts successfully securing four year operational funding from the State Government and three year funding from the Federal Government.

Weaving Up. Photo: Angie Russi

“We now have a secure foundation of operational funding from which to develop, grow and achieve our goals as we develop our capacity and capabilities over the next four years – moving towards our co-location with the new Shepparton Art Museum.” Angie Russi, Manager, Kaiela Arts

Following a period of extensive community consultation, Kaiela Arts (previously called Gallery Kaiela) worked with Social Ventures Australia and Dr Jody Evans of Melbourne Business School to develop a comprehensive strategic plan and undertake a market audit, leading to new brand and market positioning.

  • The resulting comprehensive 10-year plan enabled Kaiela Arts to successfully secure, for the first time, multi-year organisational and industry support funding from both State and Federal Government totalling $600,000.
  • The plan detailed strategic initiatives and implementation steps with key success indicators for Kaiela Arts, as well as the financial requirements for a sustainable future.
  • Kaiela Arts is now able to easily share strategic information about the enterprise to current and potential partners.
  • The process of developing the strategic plan, provided the Board and staff of Kaiela Arts with valuable learnings.
  • Kaiela Arts will be co-located with the new Shepparton Art Museum when it opens later in 2021.

Kaiela Arts