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Nexus Primary Health

  • Project: Don’t Let It Get Ugly
  • Amount: $199,000 over two years
  • Year(s) Funded: 2015

Empowering young people to be community champions of health messages

Don’t Let It Get Ugly (DLIGU) aims to ensure young people in the central Victorian Shires of Mitchell, Murrindindi and Strathbogie are able to make informed choices about sexual behaviours, drug use and family violence.

“DLIGU has equipped our kids with skills and knowledge of healthy lifestyle messages including where to go for local help.” Annette Chapman, President, Broadford Netball Club


  • The Don’t Let It Get Ugly (DLIGU) project targets young people (16-24 years) in central Victoria.
  • The proactive and engaging approach to preventative health was developed following Nexus’ success of an earlier youth-led partnership-based project around binge drinking.
  • Nexus works closely with local sports clubs, schools and youth groups to develop policies and build capacity to become safe, supportive and sustainable environments.
  • The project will directly reach over 300 local young people.
  • The witty and bold, peer-led social media campaign aims to raise the awareness of risky behaviour in over 20,000 people.
  • Using a continuous consultation and review approach, young people are encouraged to have input into their own health through relevant youth-led initiatives.
  • Nexus Primary Health provides accessible, integrated health and support services.