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100 Story Building

  • Project: Story Hub: Feasibility Study
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Year(s) Funded: 2017

Investigating the feasibility of establishing outreach Story Hubs in community settings

Successfully delivered projects are underpinned by a sound understanding of need and a solid implementation plan. This project examined the feasibility of establishing outreach Story Hubs for 100 Story Building comprising co-created, imaginative spaces for children and young people within already existing community facilities in the Brimbank community, alongside a targeted program of creative literacy activities and professional development.

100 Story Building's regular programs and activities take place in its welcoming home in Footscray, however, not all young people can get there.


  • The project built on the understanding that the most successful educational outcomes for children and young people happen within an environment of sustainable, collaborative and productive relationships between schools, families and the community.
  • The project comprised three key stages: research, consultation and publication/dissemination and sought to identify specific needs within the broader Brimbank community as well as potential collaborations, sites and models.
  • Seven sites were consulted on the potential for a creative space at their venue for children and young people, with two sites standing out as the most accessible and collaboration-ready.
  • Through the consultations, 100 Story Building came away with an understanding of the specific challenges facing the different types of location such as a school site or the local community centre.
  • Engagement was undertaken with five schools, Melbourne City Mission, Brimbank City Council, Mitchell Institute, Ardoch Youth Foundation, Catholic Education Office, and Brimbank Pasifika Network.
  • The end result of the project was a feasibility study package that can be shared with stakeholders and community members, leading to increase in shared knowledge and understanding of creative spaces.
  • 100 Story Building was able to leverage HMST’s grant for the initial feasibility study to secure a multi-year grant from Perpetual Trustees to support further investigation of this project.

When I went to 100 Story Building I’d never been in a space that really allowed for so many possibilities all in one session. Being part of an experience led by people who are 100% clear on your goal to allow children to fire up their imaginary neurons, we need that more often.

Angela Burke, Literacy Leader - Holy Eucharist School, St Albans