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South Gippsland Landcare Network

  • Project: Developing a Biodiversity Protection Plan for South Gippsland
  • Amount: $30,000
  • Year(s) Funded: 2021

Protecting endangered species and habitats across South Gippsland

South Gippsland relies on its native flora and fauna for nature tourism, sustainable farming, community recreation and a sense of well-being. A Biodiversity Protection Plan will help the South Gippsland community better protect and build the resilience of its natural environment.

Members of the Tarwin Landcare Group visited Tarwin Lower Cemetery to look for native orchids. Cemeteries that came into existence shortly after white settlement often contain a vast number of indigenous species because they have never been grazed or cultivated. The list of the cemetery's native fauna compiled by the South Gippsland Conservation Society will be useful for SGLN's Biodiversity Protection Plan. Photo: courtesy SGLN

“A collaborative approach to developing a BPP will foster agreed priorities, coordinated on-ground works and smart investments into the future”


Increased population growth and tourism in South Gippsland is putting more demand on remnant patches of nature reserves. There are currently 211 flora and fauna species under threat in the region, and so far there has been little coordinated effort in developing plans for biodiversity protection. Supported by an extensive stakeholder network, South Gippsland Landcare Network will develop a Biodiversity Protection Plan for the region, to better facilitate greater collaboration and coordination of on-ground conservation works.

The employment of a Biodiversity Protection Officer will oversee the project, including data collection, mapping, preparation of draft Biodiversity Protection Plan for broader community consultation, and extensive stakeholder engagement. A Scientific Advisory Committee has been established to guide the methodology of the Biodiversity Protection Plan.

This capacity building project will improve collaborative effort on biodiversity action in South Gippsland:

    • Following community consultation, a set of agreed actions to be implemented over the next decade by Landcare and key stakeholders will be determined;
    • Information on biodiversity protection will be more accessible to the broader community; and
    • Updating data and mapping will assist State and local governments to prepare conservation priority and forest management plans.